Wednesday, 2 March 2011

And the winners are...

Thank you to everyone who entered my little launch competition! And now to announce the winners, I drew names with the help of my glamourous assistant

And the names of the three lucky winners that he drew out of his fireman's hat were...


Well done ladies and so sorry to everyone who didn't win! My lovely logos are still quite reasonable though if anyone is interested in contacting me about one. All prices and packages are on the info part of my Facebook page.

To my lovely winners, please email me at with your ideas/requests. Anything you can give me to help with getting an idea of what you want would be lovely!

Thank you! Claire xx

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

i did what i said i was going to do... eventually!

Some time last week I was having a browse around some lovely blogs I know and came across this brilliant idea for a "To Do" list for the kitchen from Little Birdie Secrets.

I am the least organised person in the world and between working full time, being a mummy, running a house and 2 businesses I do tend to forget things every so often. I am also slowly succumbing to the curse of pregnancy forgetfulness to the point where my husband will say something to me and half an hour later I will swear blind that he has never said such a thing to me in his whole entire life (can come in quite useful though!!).

This weekend I finally got around to making my kitchen to do list when I a spare half an hour on Sunday night. I've had a bit of a creative block the last few days but I still wanted to actually make something and this fit the bill.

What do you think?