What to do when all you have seen when you look out of the window for a week is......
Answer: Come home from work, put on your PJ's at half five in the afternoon, cuddle up with this cutie...

and plan your next move!
I think I have officially given up on any hopes for our summer making a miraculous return and time soon and am actually quite looking forward to the nights drawing in, putting on my dad's old jumpers, comfort food and snuggling on the sofa, fighting over who gets to wear the pink fluffy socks with Jack. (That actually happened yesterday; he found my pink fluffy socks on the floor and managed to convince Daddy to let him leave the house in them because "Daddy, they are so lovely and soft"! I had to wait until he was distracted by Handy Manny's School for Tools last night before I could whip them off and reclaim them as my own... job for this week, find some slightly more manly "lovely and soft" socks for him!)
Anyway, back to the weather. I promise I'm not being defeatist, I think we have had a pretty good summer down here in Pompey with lots of lovely Sundays spent at the beach, by the splash pool and the Bandstand so I am ready top embrace the autumn and all the lovely things that go with it! With the weather getting wetter, rainier and colder every day, it means lots more time spent inside trying to occupy myself and the little man, so I have decided that I am going to make the most of it and make an effort to learn something new every week.
There are a million and one DIY bits that need doing around the house and neither Tom or I have much previous with stuff like this (although he did plumb in our whole bathroom a few years ago, very impressed!) but if we are going to be proper grown ups then we need to learn to do it I guess!
I have taken inspiration for my little project form
Shimelle.com who runs an Online Scrapbooking Class every year for a month in September called "Learn Something New Every Day". I haven't really got time to learn something new everyday, so I’m going to try for once a week instead!